Joakim Hansson, a Swedish producer, initially planned to film a thriller about the real-life mine collapse in Kiruna, Northern Sweden. However, after discovering the film-friendly culture and helpful crews of the Finnish city Tampere, and the incentives of Business Finland and Film Tampere, he changed his mind. The Abyss had its worldwide debut in September.
Disaster film The Abyss takes inspiration from the real-life story of Swedish mining town Kiruna – recently relocated because it was slowly sinking into the earth – and reimagines a far worse fate for its inhabitants.
“Kiruna as a location was critical for the story we wanted to tell. It’s a very specific town – and it would have been a disaster to recreate elsewhere,” says The Abyss co-producer Joakim Hansson from Sweden’s SF Studios.
“We chose Finland because it’s a really film friendly country,” says Hansson. “And because we were able to find a mine where we were allowed to film the interior shots.”
He says it had been a struggle finding a mine in Sweden to grant filming permission. Luckily, neighbouring country Finland boasts old mines that can be enjoyed for filming – and better yet, Hansson’s crew managed to find a real and active mine in Tampere.
“It’s a test mine for Swedish company Sandvik, so it had all the facilities we needed like toilets and kitchens in place, and we could get right in there and shoot,” says the co-producer.
Kiruna may be hard to replicate – but luckily, the cityscapes of Tampere could also double up as the Swedish mining town, scaling back production costs.
“Shooting abroad and traveling is expensive – instead of just using Finland for mining shots, we decided to take advantage of Tampere as a versatile filming location where we could also achieve exterior Kiruna shots. So we ended up shooting in Finland more than planned.”
The Abyss is a pan Nordic collaboration between SF films and Finnish co-producer Mikko Tenhunen of production company Mjölk Films – someone who proved incredibly helpful to the Swedish production team when applying for incentives from Business Finland and Film Tampere.
“That was the great thing – I didn’t have to do it myself, it was all Mikko. He applied for the audiovisual incentives from Business Finland and Film Tampere, got the funding, and then we did the filming in Finland,” says Hansson. “It was all so easy.”
“It was such a good experience that I already have plans to collaborate with Mikko on other projects,” he adds.
Hansson found the same community feeling in Tampere, a city he describes as friendly and supportive to creatives – unlike many other locations he’s worked in.
“There’s this mindset that if you need help – you’re going to get help. My experience is that in some countries, government and city bodies can be negative towards filming, but in Tampere, everyone is willing to help you. It’s such an easy place to work in – it’s quick and straightforward to get permits, applications are simple, and you don’t get tied up in bureaucracy. It’s much easier than Stockholm, for example,” he says.
“Film Tampere wants to help you create the best possible film – Mikko had the same great attitude. It’s an environment that fosters creativity.”
Hansson adds that the city’s reputation as film friendly is well known throughout the industry – and mentions that Tampere is also home to one of the best visual effects companies in the Nordics – Troll VFX.
As for working with Finnish tactical crews and cast – The Abyss also stars renowned Finnish actor Peter Franzén – Hansson says he has only positive things to report.
“In the bigger film countries, people can be more pampered in the way that they work. And sometimes you need to throw money around to make things move faster. Whereas in Finland, they know how to do a lot with smaller budgets - making them extremely good at lending a hand and doing what they need to do.”
The co-producer also appreciates that Finnish crews know the value of their resources and using them wisely: “Our industry isn’t the most sustainable about spending - you spend money on things that won’t end up visible on screen, just because you can. It’s nice to work with people from a world where they understand that money should be directed towards what’s actually going to end up on screen.”
Hansson adds that when you work with crews who are used to smaller budgets, you know people are truly there out of passion.
“In Finland, you could see that people were there for the love of film.”